This seems to be one of the most confusing aspects
about health at the moment. There seems to be so many opposing philosophies on
what is the ‘natural’, ‘original’ and ‘perfect’ diet for humans. What is more
confusing is that each diet is backed by research and science to justify why
eating this particular diet guarantees optimum health. With all of these
options how can anyone be sure on the right way to eat? There are advocates of
vegan diets who claim that we are not designed to eat meat. Then there is the
recent Paleo diet that eliminates grain, dairy and beans and consumes enough
meat to make any vegan break out in hives at the mere idea.
Diet is a controversial issue these days. It can be as
risqué to discuss as religion. It is amazing how fired up some people get if
you tell them you have decided to eliminate gluten or dairy, or that you eat
dairy or that you only eat unpasteurized dairy. There’s the belief that no
vegan can possibly be healthy and there are vegetarians who believe meat eaters
are destined for heart disease and cancer. These days people defend their diet
choices like that of a chosen religion and condemn others who choose another ‘way’
as being misguided; a diet different from one’s own is often viewed as ignorant
and a guarantee to failing health.
For years, even as a nutritionist, I was confused as
to what I should be eating. How much meat, how much protein? Were potatoes the
root of all evil or unfairly labeled? After all they did sustain the Irish for
hundreds of years.
I don’t pretend to have all the answers but what does
make sense is the simple truth that there is no one ‘perfect diet’. Why? Because
just as alternative medicine recognizes that each person is different, so then
must our dietary needs be different as well. This might not seem
very reassuring at first. How then can we begin to know what our individual body
My first suggestion would be to listen to your body.
The more you pay attention to how your body reacts when you feed it certain
foods the more you will know what nourishes and what depletes your health. Pay
attention to such things as mood, energy, digestion (heart burn, cramping,
constipation, diarrhea), sleep, general well-being and for women changes in hormonal
fluctuations and increased or decreased symptoms of PMS.
In my experience most people can’t sustain sudden and major
changes in their diets or in their life. I really think baby steps is the way
to go unless you feel totally committed, are an unusually determined person and/or
are willing to not beat yourself up too much if you fall off the proverbial wagon.
For many, small changes and small successes in healthy living will take you
farther in the long run than a complete lifestyle overhaul fueled with an
overzealous mania about how great life will be now that you are healthier and
thinner. This latter approach is often met with feelings of complete
worthlessness if you ‘fail’ and then followed by more self-destructive and
unhealthy habits to numb negative feelings.
For myself, it took five years of falling off the
wagon and getting back on to completely eliminate white sugar from my diet. It
took two years of failing and re-starting to commit to cutting out gluten (the
odd time I still slip) and about ten years to stick to a generally clean eating
diet with virtually no processed, fried or packaged foods.
So don’t be so hard on yourself! Healthy eating is a
journey like anything else. Surely, you don’t expect to master a marriage or a
career when you first begin. Hopefully, you realize, with a career, as a parent or with a hobby that it takes years to learn how to do it right and to figure out what works
and what doesn’t. It took me years to figure out what to choose at restaurants,
food courts and family socials. It took as many to know what to snack on
when I had certain cravings instead of giving into them. Now while my sometimes
slightly-less health dedicated husband snacks on nachos and cheese I am quite content
eating cucumbers with a side of olive oil and garlic dressing or hummus. I have
learned enough times that I will feel worse opting for the nachos and I feel
less bloated, guilty and energetic (and sleep better) when I eat something
nourishing. But this took years of failure, effort and practice. So please don’t
give up!
If you change one thing about your diet to be healthier
then that is a success and a step towards health.Don’t underestimate those small
changes. Someday they will be huge! The small successes will motivate you to
challenge yourself further. The small failures will show you where you went off
your path and help you to pay attention so that you don't fall into the same traps again. You will learn to
pick up a new trick to avoid the same slip-ups again. Again it might take
ten of the same slip-ups before you realize how to really avoid it or you may need to get
fed up enough not to allow it to happen again. The secret is patience and the
challenge is being gentle and having forgiveness for yourself.
As Winston Churchill once said, “ Never, never, never give up.”
As Winston Churchill once said, “ Never, never, never give up.”
Well said!!